how do i show love to me dad? any advice? im struggling wif my problems in my family, my dads the main topic. i cant seem to get wad he is saying, i always wonder if he is right or wrong, becos i always feel tht sometime he over does a certain thing and i feel so uptight cos i dun believe wad he tells me and nags at me. for instance i slept like 3 hours in the afternoon cos im tired, its not tht i do it always. and he got so pissed and called for a family meeting which lasted two hours. i realli didnt wan to drag the whole thing as i wanted to end it early. so for once i didnt argue wif him and listen. ok fine.. i talked back abit. cos i wasnt feeling right. he always assume tht we dont love him and wad so ever. in fact, i do, is just tht it is so hard to show him love, as he keeps expecting and always tellin us tht, he wont be around and we should spend more and alo of time wif him and show him love and take iniciative to talk to him to communicate wif him. i tried, but i seriously, i mean seriously dun know wad to say! i ask hows his day hows work, he goes "its gd very easy" im like. "cool". i realli dunno wad to talk abt. GURLS? frens? sports? problems? i share more stuff my my mum as she is much more open and often listens and she does not judge me, but my dad.. totali different. he will think tht problem is stupid and i shld not have to worry over such a small matter, tht i have to worry abt other more impt stuff and he will start a 3 hours dreadfl sermon. he is so strict tht i'm afraid tht i would say something wrong, if u know me. i might be quite spastic at times and talk alot of nonsense. but how do show him i care? i hate to be someone im not. i hate show him i love him out of afraid he might nagged once again. i hate not being me. i like to do the things my way. by listenin to him and not commiting crimes or break the law and dont do thing stuupid is a way i show love, tht i dont wan to create any trouble. u expect a 17 yr old guy, sweet talkin his heavily bearded strict dad which can be so unreasonable!! i asked God to cool my temper and not carry things overboard and make a mess out of it. i dun wanna disobey him or anything i just dun get it! he say tht if i cant communicate wif my own earthly father, how am i suppose to love and communticate wif God tht one cant see. when he talks about fatherly love and stuff, he always seem to create an example tht if u dun show love to me how can u show love to the heavenly father in heaven? and i get super puzzle as my dad dun go to church at all now adays for like a few years i dont knw the reason but, if im not wrong he said something like the pastors are not gd and his favorite pastor got moved out to other country or something, i mean wad the?? u go church jus becos of the pastor, whether he is gd or not? but i knw tht wht ever he says i gotta respect him and listen. i dunno if its like true and all and these pass few days has been a nightmare, dunno if its the opposition tryin to stop me from growin in the lord. im clueless, i would love a word of advice. thanks
11:10 PM |
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