christmas is comin? and im not done wif shopping.. hmm imagine me shopping ssshheeh! cant huh? hey u think im a mama's boy huh? haha u got it wrong i shop on my own on xmas.. haha onli xmas.. spend lots on presents, haha sometimes frens give u gifts and u did not get him or her one. will u feel bad? i know i do, i have a fren thts getting me one he asked if he wants to exchaged gifts wif me and u also told me tht he already bought it! haha i was shocked and feeling so bad tht i did not get him anything haha his kinda funni cos i think tht if u wan to give gifts dun expect anything in return, it all comes frm the heart as the saying goes "its the thought tht count" hmm better prepare some some gifts like candycane or something haha. hmm yup its an wonderful yr i guess.. cos i have extra cash to spludge on good food, having fun getting nicer presents for fam and frens. nothing realli bad happen, lot and lots of gd things happen this yr. church camp! lots of fun and empowering, knowing jian yang, getting hold of clement, finalli tht bugger came back to church. closer to my darling felix. especialli getting closer to god and my parents and siblings. not to brag or anything some thing super happen this yr. my huskey's accidentalli mated and gave birth to the 2nd batch of 4 pups all female. and its wonderful to meet "emmy" my sweetie pie! she adorable =) if u did not get it, its a puppy haha. yup, new ministry in church is forming aint tht great? bubye 2005 come over here 2006 CHEERs have a Merry Christmas you all. God bless
12:50 AM |
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Infused camp, first for some last for me. this is the last camp tht TCC youth is conducting, gosh i love camps the most, we will not be having anymore camps as the numbers of youths tht are attendin Igyite ministry is rapidly increasing in numbers, as we cant find a proper place to have all 350++ people to have a camp, so gosh.. its the end than. but i have enjoyed it all till it lasted. first day was kinda crappy, we had this game, where they taught us to trust our leader. we were told to run wif our blind folds on, to the otherside of the court there are alot of obsticles ahead when i first came. i knew that they will take away the obsticles so i run quite fast.. lol.. as my group leader A was beside me shoutting "run, run , run" haha but at the end ,u group leader did not tell me to stop and i kiled myself. by running and smashing the gate and hurt my face i ran straight through smashed the fence of the court and my nose and face was filled wif cuts. i looked horried, and was feeling super sore and ugly.. lol. hmm i was realli pissed and ego got crushed.. alittle while later when i was at the other stations, brother kafia came up to me a spoke words of encouragement to me help me set things straight, after talkin to him i felt better.. it was a wake up call frm God. wow THX anyways i had realli great 2nd day at the camp we had night games, it was a blast violent and gross but fun! imagine putting on a stockings on u rhead and the end of the stockings is filled wif powder.. hmm and its been used over and over again.. all the sweat and nose crap.. eeww.. haha funni.. i went and played it although it stinks but ya its FUN, after game we were told tht,pastor Gerald spoke to us telling us tht we must be united. that we have to forgive each other and stuffy.. as i read the last post i had a bad relationship wif a fren i trusted but yeah i changed and try to forgive him slowly bit by bit.. hows tht. 3nd nite service its powerful i love services it never ends! it goes on and on and on.. wow.. how cool is tht. worshipping the lord forever.. music rocks real hard.. wow i love trina darn good drummer.. shes my idol... wanna meet her! hey suming up camp wad awesome, this camp will be the camp tht impacted my live forever. and i wont go back to my old ways. =) amen
9:02 AM |
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