frens are impt in all our lifes. we shld not take them lightly. frens do not always appear right in front of ur doorstep, knockin and keep waiting for u to open up. they are there to support to keep u accompany, no matter how moody u are, they will be there to comfort u. each fren have different characteristic, different reasons u enjoy hanging around wif them. each of them are special. firstly. robert, he is a realli small guy thts been growing alot lately, come to think of it im afraid tht he would out grow me! his very frenly and nice, understanding as always and he will never turn u down or upset u. nvr. hmm not yet maybe..=) ha than there is clement, cheecky as always, his one fun exciting person nver know wads goin to happen next. his so unpreditable and funni, he his this aura to attracts chicks wohhoo wish i had some...=( haha lixychel aka felix, (dun mind me boasting for u) smart ars, he got all A1for all his subjects except chinese an A2. his in chinese high. dam his good! the utimate nerd. always smilin, acting faggorty and all very nice person, how i wish he would be more open and not shy, than he will be a super sweet talker to all the girls in church man and show them wad he is realli made of!! haha wasted huh? there are others in my life tht has be constantly makin me smile and there by my side didi, which has been sliming and look awesome, jasper, irman,kathy although we have not been tht close now, hope we stay buds. give me a call now and than. haha wee and cannot forget my cell memebers. each and every one so alive and igynited for god. waah man so nice and happy ppl. amanda cell leader and always seem to encourage everyone. telling them not to give up and all. hannah's so spunky and funni, u tell the most awesome jokes for a gal,sings and play the guitar lovely=) and candice, she a realli gorgeous LITTLE gal haha with a loud voice, tht is able to hit the cord C6 amazing huh! theres ashleigh, thts generous,anna tht has scared little brothers, but so nice to talk to on the phone. MAN its so easy to talk to u haha dun know why, and very nice, cos she lend me some nice anime, and.. i wanna borrow more so gotta compliment haha! dan, wow great in the bumble bee song haha.. shung whos super helpful and alive. shes so so so helpful thinkin abt others. and ivan =) nice guy who makes me fill like home during nearly forget my cell sabo queen mich wow.. her forfeits are super paiseh one.. cannot lose in the coming cell gels. haha. so nice tooooo. How come all of them are refered to so nice?? hmm beats me.. well yeah
12:50 AM |
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wad makes u, you. ya! wad makes u,you? is it ur lovely smile? ur gorgeous eye? ur voluptuous lips? ur funky cool hairdo? wad u wear, how to present urself to people? is it the way u express urself? hmm have u wonder why we as human wanna look good, dress well, smell good? for those who know me, you guys shld know im a kinda of a vain person. haha. and its NOT a crime to be vain. but!... its a sign of insecurity! uh huh! u know tht im not very confident in myself, tryin to be the better and nicer yup yup hmm.. i seriously do not know why im such a vainpot but ya.. my dad tells me its a act of insercurity wanting ppl to notice me! hmm maybe..=) hmmm but so! it doesnt kill to look gd rite? or try to look gd. many ppl do countless of things to change how they are. getting facial treatments spa. etc etc. tht can realli help. but wad abt inside of u? character, charisma the way present urself. wad abt the people u mix with, the rotton words u used. even though u may look real gd in the outside but deep down ur filled wif loads and truckload of trash.god made us the way we are. truely we humans would tend to modify the way we may look, the stuff we put on our body or face. but we must try our best to be clean outside and inside.and tht will make u. You
11:39 PM |
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wishing on a shooting star
12:25 AM |
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